Up close and from inside: Teaching activity in the periphery in times of pandemic.


  • Marcelo Ribeiro Sales




Basic education - Teaching activity - Coronavirus - Social inequality - Remote classes


The present work brings my experience and observation in the faculty activity in these pandemic times. I'm a teacher of the Rio de Janeiro State Network and here I will report the reality I experience, because it reflects to some degree the conditions of public education in the peripheries of the country. With the restrictions imposed by the gravity of the pandemic, teaching networks had to adapt and adopt strategies to fulfill the time cargo of the school year, adopting online classes. Everyone has a right to education, remote classes exclude of the process the students who don't have access to the Internet.Besides that many obstacles were found for the taking of classes, because several facts like social inequality and teachers' lack of capacity with the new technology are among the problems of this new reality or “new normal”. The pandemic has showed problems that have already existed and were despised by the most part of the society and also the organs responsible for education. That way I intend to approach this dramatic reality of public education in Brazil in a peripheral region of Rio de Janeiro.


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