Digital Vertigo and the Discomfort in the Pandemic Brasil


  • André Tropiano



Pandemic, Fascism, Networked Society, Social Media, Everyday Life.


In this essay,I search immerse on Everyday Life crossed by the digital technologies implied in our daily duties,in which the dichotomies between being, time and space are connected as a possibility. During the COVID-19 pandemic, mediated coexistence was a challenge imposed on our various experiences. Smartphone, computer, wi-fi, television and tablet are the essential elements in the home, repair, or mobile models, always connected to the internet and connecting our lives in social media flows. But the discomfort is latent, for better or for worse, everything happens now, quickly, dispersed, continuous, unstable, interactive, convergent, insecure. We try to achieve all of this without causing dissatisfaction, anxiety, fear. I intend to provoke some reflections necessary for experiences in social media in fascism timesin Brasilof pandemic.


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Edição Especial (in)cômodos