Sociólogos de laboratório: reflexão sobre os efeitos do isolamento social no fazer sociológico .



Sociologists; Social isolation; Experience; Inequalities; Critical moment.


In this essay I take as issue the impacts of de pandemic situation on the sociological activity, focusing in the consequences of the confinement of the sociologists themselves. I develop two points: on the level of the sociologists, the tendency to cristalization of social distance, as the pandemic suspend, in great measure, the exchange of experiences between researchers and the people that is researched, tendency in which that can have epistemological effects; the second point refers to the possibilities opened by the situation of “critical moment” (terminology given by the French pragmatist sociology) in that we live in today, which demands of the social agents not only an investigation on the normative presuppositions of the interrupted situation, but also forces them to formulate new ways of being and seeing the world.


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Edição Especial (in)cômodos