Quais São os Ingredientes da Pesquisa Sociológica? oPesquisadorque é a Pesquisa, a Pesquisa Que é o Pesquisador


  • João Gabriel Selles Pelegrini




Sociological research – pandemic – dialetic – subject – research object.


In this essay, based on the moving idea that social relationships can be something they are not and their being is defined based on this relationship, we present the inconvenient aspects of sociological research and the work of the researcher in their parallel universe, not only in pandemic times. Social work that does not aim at fantasy but aims to produce knowledge about our social objects. In the lines that follow, the logic of the research path is described accompanied by the melody of a song that aestheticizes the joyful uncertainties that emerge from the perception that the sociological object is also because it is not and, exactly for this reason, constitutes itself through us.


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