The National Civic-Military Schools Program as the materialization of (neo) conservatives in brazilian public education


  • Renata Cecilia Estormovski



Neoconservadorismo. Escolas cívico-militares. Gestão Escolar.


The National Civic-Military Schools Program (Pecim) was created with the aim of qualifying public education offered in contexts of social vulnerability, in a collaboration between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Defense. In this study, we intend to understand the links between this Program and the neo-conservative movement and discuss its implications for public education, specifically for its management processes. For this, the analytical-reconstructive methodology and the content analysis procedure are used, approaching the models by which the Brazilian State has historically been constituted, understanding the ties of authoritarianism and privatism that are still present in political culture and its relationship with the neoliberal and neoconservative conjuncture that materializes.


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