African diaspora art: a sociological analyses of the art exhibition "PretAtitude: Emergências, Insurgencias e Afirmações na arte contemporânea afro-brasileira"



Aesthetics, Political Agency, African Diaspora, Visual Arts, Insurgencies


This article introduces and presents data from an investigation, which the main aim was to examine and analyze the relationship between the aesthetics and black political agency in contemporary visual arts. It’s about the examination, from some works on the exhibition “PretAtitude: Emergências, insurgências e afirmações na arte contemporânea afro-brasileira”, of the aesthetic components in it, in order to identify the elements heightened by the experience of the African Diaspora evidenced in these works. Therefore, it’s possible to set a debate on the intentional paradigms of the works, considering the curator's textualized motivation in choosing the theme of “emergências, insurgências e afirmações” as suggested by the title itself.


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