Virtual Dystopia

Reflections on the emergence of new actors in the field of digital communication


  • Rebecca Portela Melo PPGS/UFPE



Mass self-communication; Extreme-press; Digital Utopia; new media; sociology of communication


In this article, we will approach different theoretical perspectives related to the expectations of democratization of communication from the broad access to Internet 2.0, aiming for a deep reflection about the social impact of new media configurations. The constant changes in the forms of production and consumption of information reopened  some central sociological issues, such as the new space of agency occupied by the old "receiving mass" of information: individuals who were previously considered part of an undifferentiated whole, indistinct news receivers, now occupy the epicenter of this rearrangement in the scope of communication and, consequently, a new social body space. From the notion of "digital utopia", we will discuss the concept of mass self-communication and its current consequences for the democratic process. For this, an analysis of the emergence of new actors in the field of independent communication will be made, seeking to apprehend the senses mobilized in their speeches.


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