African Indigenous Musical Arts in the Classroom: the contribution of Meki Nzewi


  • Beatriz de Souza Bessa UNIRIO



musical arts, music education, methodology, african music


The article seeks to elucidate the concept of African indigenous musical arts based on the thought of the nigerian musical educator Meki Nzewi in order to propose different methodologies in music education in basic education. The study realizes some reflections on the meaning of music in African societies and its relevance within the school from a holistic perspective of art teaching, with the aim of rethinking the Eurocentric musical practices present in brazilian education and to propose new forms of teaching activities based on african legacy.

Author Biography

Beatriz de Souza Bessa, UNIRIO

Mestre em Memória Social (UNIRIO), com Bacharelado/Licenciatura em Psicologia (UERJ), Pós Graduanda na Especialização em Práticas Musicais na Educação Básica (Colégio Pedro II), Mestranda no Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Ensino das Práticas Musicais (PROEMUS – UNIRIO), Graduanda em Licenciatura em Música EAD (UERN), Professora de Música da Educação Infantil ao Ensino Fundamental 2.ORCID 0000-0002-0146-8823


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