The reframing of chimarrão (mate) consumption among the German-Brazilian population




Etnicidade, teuto-brasileiros, chimarrão, tradicionalismo gaúcho, gerações


This essay aims to analyze the assimilation of customs of the “gaucho traditionalism” in the German-Brazilian in South Brazil colonies focusing on the consumption of chimarrão (mate), an element that became more recurrent and was incorporated as a symbol of the Gaucho German-Brazilian identity after The Second World War. To do this, we used the concept of ethnicity and the generational issue, then we discussed about the incorporates of the consumption of yerba mate in German colonies in Rio Grande do Sul. As methodology, we used semi-structured interviews and oral story. Chimarrão (mate) gradually became a common practice and an essential element in sociability spaces. Becoming a symbol of belonging and recognition of their immigrant identity, even though it is a product of indigenous origin, not European.

Author Biography

Fernando Diehl, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

Doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Professor de Filosofia e Sociologia no Gabarito Pré-Vestibular. Professor de Sociologia na Escola de Ensino Médio SESI RS José Pedro Fernando Piovan. Pesquisador vinculado ao grupo de pesquisa Identidades Étnicas e Racismo do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da UFRGS (PPGS-UFRGS).


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