From public goods to green market shelves

Notes on neoliberalism and the commodification of nature




Keywords: neoliberalism, valuation, carbon, periphery, crisis


In this article, I seek to present some constituent elements of the commodification of nature. More specifically, the idea is to locate the historical-political moment in which such an undertaking became possible. I start from the premise that it was with the institutionalization of neoliberalism as a way of managing and organizing the capitalist system from the 1980s onwards that elements of nature were no longer understood solely as public goods but became commodities endowed with value. Furthermore, I argue that the worsening of climate change and the need to value the externalities generated in the production process contributed to this phenomenon and incorporated them into the market price system. I analyze this issue based on the theoretical-methodological tools of Environmental Sociology, especially concerning the society-nature relationship.


Author Biography

Rafael Carletti, UFSCar

Doutor em Sociologia com ênfase em meio ambiente pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Integrante do projeto FORTE (Forest Citizenship for Disaster Resilience: learning from COVID-19), uma iniciativa da Trans-Atlantic Platform Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World (RRR). O projeto é uma parceria entre a UFSCar, Universidade do Colorado (EUA) e Universidade de Lancaster (UK).


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